OK. I have officially lost my mind, not to mention, my cell phone.
It’s like this. My Mom had a stroke in September. After 2 months of hospital and 5 months of rehab, she has been able to go into assisted living. The staff there is just wonderful to her. I go daily to see her and every night we read together. Last night, the nurse told me she needed some over the counter medicine. So this morning, I went to the store and got it.
I had three missions this morning. 1. Take her the medicine. Mom’s facility is in Obetz, the southeast of Columbus. 2. While there, pay for her (today’s) hair salon appointment so she could get her hair done. You pay at the same facility, but in another building. 3. Pick up some supplies at Fed Ex, way out on West Broad St. No problem. I got in the car, loaded her clean laundry, her medicine and her check book. Over to the facility I go. Into her room, hang up her clothes, put her linens away, visit a while and stop to talk to her nurses and aides (who I just love). Mission accomplished. Off to Fed Ex I go, covering about half the outer belt of Columbus. While standing at the counter, I pull out my checkbook. And Mom’s. With her check still in it.Back on the freeway, back to the assisted living. Into the office I go and pay for her appointment, with everyone laughing because I had just been there. Back to the studio and my next session. After the session, I needed to return a call so I went to my purse for my cell phone. Not there. Go to the car. Not there. Looked everywhere. Not there. You know what you do when you can’t find your cell phone, right? You call it. One ring. Two rings. Three rings and an answer. “Hello. Can you tell me who I am talking to?” IT WAS THE ASSISTED LIVING! I had left it on the counter. Heavy sigh, drooped shoulders. “I’ll be there right after I finish my last session.” Back I go, again. Gloria was laughing so hard when I went back in, she could hardly look at me. So Mom got an extra long 3rd visit for the day and my gas tank needs refilling.
The really sad thing is, I actually tell people the dumb stuff I do. But if you can’t laugh at yourself, what else is there? Right?
Hope you all have an organized day. I don’t know. Maybe not. An awful lot of people laughed at me today and if laughter is the best medicine, we should all feel much better.