I got a few minutes to go out photographing the snow on my lunch hour today. The sun was bright and beautiful and the whole world looked clean and pure. I love snows like this.
When I was in sixth grade, our class drew names for the Christmas present exchange. I drew Jeannie's name. It was the era of the little silk scarves tied around you neck over a sweater. Very movie-ish. Well, I knew Jeannie really liked those so I took my allowance and went to Heleine's (THE Grove City place for women's clothing)and bought her two. One was red and the other was navy blue. I could not wait to give them to her.
The last day of school before Christmas break was the day of the party. The night before, I laid out everything for school and put Jeannie's wrapped gift on top.
Sometime in the night,the snow began to fall. When I woke up, the snow was already as high as my knees. And still falling. The radio started announcing school closings and sure enough, ours was closed.
Normally I would have been thrilled for a snow day but this was our party. We had all decorated, made ornaments, whispered about whose name we had drawn and who might possibly have ours. We were even going to have ice cream in those little cups that had the red snowman imprint in it. You know, the ones you eat with the little wooden spoons. Now the snow had cancelled all that. No party.
And we all had these presents for friends.
Mothers started calling mothers and it was decided that since most of us lived close enough to the school and each other to walk, we would deliver gifts to each other over the holiday.
The day school was cancelled was windy, blustery and viciously cold. No one ventured out. But the next day........ We awoke to the most gloriously bright, sunny day. The snow was still pristine. The wind had swept it smooth and it shone so bright you could not keep your eyes open. Mine would be the first footprints.
After breakfast, I dressed up warm, put on my boots, picked up Jeannie's gift and started the walk to her house. It took about 15 minutes and when I arrived, I was invited in while she opened her gift.
I truly do not remember her reaction. I am sure she acted pleased and thanked me appropriately.
What I remember was walking through the snow up over my knees, stepping high and hearing the snow crunch as I took a giant step and brought my boot down. I remember the snow going down into the top of my boot and beginning to melt. I remember my pant legs being wet and cold. I remember my cheeks being so cold. And I remember how wonderfully bright the sun was on that snow. Even the air smelled clean. I was actually smiling to myself because the world was soooo beautiful.
It was one of those days in your life you will never forget and each time you remember it, all your senses bring it back and you are there again.
Today, out photographing the snow, I was there again. It was one of those days.