It is with great pride, we announce a display in the storefront windows we rent on Broadway in downtown Grove City. (Many people think we have a studio there. However, we merely have access to the display window.)
At SYNC (Senior & Youth National Conference) in St. Petersburg Beach, FL, we had 8 of 8 folios accepted into the exhibition and Mickey received an Award of Excellence on one of his folios! Wooo hoooo Mickey!
At the Mid East States Convention and Competition of Professional Photographers of Ohio, Mickey and Susan were able to enter 4 photographs each. They both had all of their entries accepted into the exhibition and Mickey was awarded a BLUE RIBBON!! Go Mickey!!! Go Mickey!!!!
He also received two Honorable Mentions!
Susan received two Red Ribbons as Awards of Achievement and two Honorable Mentions!
This has been an incredibly busy and productive past 3 months for us. As most of you know, we are constantly pursuing continuing education in order to keep us on top of all the new photographic styles, technologies and equipment. Never in the twenty-two years of A Moment In Time's existence has technology changed more rapidly. New advances are being released daily and anyone who isn't staying abreast of the changes will quickly be left behind.
We belong to all most important associations in the industry, beginning with Professional Photographers of America and all of their affiliate associations.
We attend and compete in numerous conventions and competitions to keep us on our toes. We do all this to make sure we are offering our clients the best possible quality and style.
So, when you are in the downtown Grove City area, stop by the display and take a look. We are two building south of the Little Theatre On Broadway.
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